Sat-Wed 10:00-4:30 - until March


Right from the very beginning, this institution started research works and publishing activities along with collecting artifacts.

The Gauḍa Rājamālā, a history book written in a modern scientific method by Akshay Kumar Maitra, was published from this museum in 1912.

In the same year, another famous resourceful book Gauḍa Lekhamālā was published.

So far, 70 books and periodicals have been published by this museum. Apart from this, the most distinguished research publications are Inscription of Bengal, Vol. 3 & 4, Rāmacaritam, Tārātantra, Tārārahasya, Sculpture in the Varendra Research Museum: A Descriptive Catalogue, Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts etc. Furthermore, nine internationally recognized research journals have been published here and the 1st volume of the journal is on its way to publication.

Some new publication items are developed under the Our Shared Cultural Heritage project. Youth board members have worked under the mentorship of Uronto Artist community to deliver these publishing items with the support of the British Council.

The new produced items are:
1. Three posters
Twin Garuda
Copper Plate Grant 

2. Leaflet/Folder on VRM (web versions | high Resolution for download)
3. Digital catalogue on 50 master pieces of Varendra Research Museum (this will be soon published as physical copy too)

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